Data by group company

KITZ Engineering Service Corporation

Corporate Profile

Name KITZ Engineering Service Corporation (KESCO)
Address 1-7-59 Akanehama, Narashino-shi, Chiba pref. 275-0024
Phone No. +81-47-452-0585
Established June 1994
Capital 50,000,000 yen
Executive Director Takaichi Kuroiwa, President
Number of Employees 47 (As of December 31,2021)
Business Activities
1. Valve maintenance business
2. Engineering business
3. Sales of parts
ISO Acquisition ISO 9001 (February 2019 Keihin Service Centre)

Top message

KITZ Engineering Service Corp provides valve maintenance services for customers who have buildings and factories through its four service bases nationwide (Keihin, Nagoya, Hanshin and Tokuyama). In order to prevent global warming and environmental destruction, today's companies are required, more than ever, to use and not waste finite resources and energy. Valves are one of the most important components in equipment for global environmental protection because they can control fluids, including resources and energy. We support the environmental conservation efforts of customers by maintaining such valves to ensure that they always work properly. The company will continue to tackle environmental management to contribute to customers and local communities.

President Ryuichi Kuroiwa

Examples of environmental activities

Responding to climate change

Reducing power consumption at service centers
We set the target of a 1% reduction compared to the previous year and set daily and monthly power consumption targets for each service center to work on daily power consumption management.

Proper management and reduction of chemical substances

Reduction of industrial waste during maintenance
We strive to reduce industrial waste and treat valuables through industrial valve maintenance service, which is its core business.

Examples of social contribution activities

We donate used books, soiled postcards, and unused postage stamps to NPOs that implement reforestation projects.